Weekender: Yoghurt Moment

Ashton and I were watching Kimora Lee’s reality show one night and saw how Aoki and Ming (Kimora’s lovely daughters) enjoyed a tub of frozen yogurt with fabulous toppings. So when we had the chance, we hopped to one of our favorite yogurt places after Ashton got immunized for the nth time.

Presenting our master chef creation, yogurt + koko crunch:

We’re a bit crazy about Koko Crunch at the moment and I know that I’ve been gaining quiet a few that my sisters and I start talking about diet pills and getting into a detox rehab. The most important thing is how my son and I enjoyed the weekend, all 24 hours of it. More weekend adventure on my next post.


Ashton at Tutti Frutti watching Blue’s Clues while having dinner and dessert.

How was your weekend?