Good Friday Post for Mothers

Today being Good Friday, I managed to squeeze in some reflecting while washing the dishes. Seriously. I thought to myself, I may be lucky but others are luckier. Perhaps these lucky people are now basking in my dream private resort, sailing and getting the most expensive sunburn. I work hard and make my own personal sacrifices, didn’t I deserve to belong to their club? Then I saw a Jesuit priest appear on the TV, he said the lenten season is a good time to give meaning to our personal sacrifices. Mine is this:

Then the rants stopped flowing through my brain and that includes how others don’t see, understand, and recognize the bleeding effort I put through each day. But then again, it’s not called personal sacrifice for nothing. Perhaps, we should own our sacrifices and not expect others to honor it, even our husbands or our children. It’s not important and it is not the point we are carrying our own cross. It’s a good time to think each of us have our own burdens and sacrifice, we are not alone. If it will make you feel a bit better, not everyone recognized Jesus’ sacrifice. He is the son of God, in fact, he owns everything in sight but he did not spend his days inside a 5-star hotel.

When I think about it now, the hardships and limitations mothers endure for their children are the good kind of sacrifice. I don’t want to say to my son, I sacrificed all my life for you because it sounds terrible, like it was an agony he was brought to this world. I enjoy sacrificing for my son to give him the best and I thank God he gives me the strength, wisdom, and opportunities to prosper our future.

If you ask me what types of sacrifices I am talking about, here’s one. I save like crazy while I am still earning and it’s ironic because I am a lover of all the finest things in life. It’s the hardest thing to do when I know I can spend rather than pay for insurance. But what about my child’s future? So I concede to saving, investing, working, and running a business all at the same time. Thinking about it, I enjoy all of these but who doesn’t dream of winning the lottery? And we know a blue moon has a higher chance of showing up rather than your lucky numbers!

So let me end on this note while I enjoy my sacrifice and use my afternoon reading about financial options at 🙂