Save on baby clothes and be earth friendly

Who wouldn’t be excited to shop for baby clothes? Especially when they come in pink and blue. During the earlier part of my pregnancy, I couldn’t stop thinking of shopping – when, where and how much. But, as I am holding off shopping until my due date is near, I realized how much can be saved when it comes to baby clothes.

My mom presented to me baby clothes from her friend in the U.S. who also had a grandson. Now that the baby is grown up, they’ve sent the baby clothes over so whoever bears a child can use it. Lucky me!

Included are sleep wear, shoes, hats, and booties.

Then, a blogger friend also gave me a pack of her baby stuff in white and yellow colors. It includes pyjamas, towels, etc.

Aside from the money you’ll be saving by being open to use hand me downs, mommies will also save the planet by minimizing shopping. Of course, I will also shop for new clothes for my little boy to wear but bearing in mind that we already have available items at home.

Babies would use lots of clothes especially when they burp out milk, pee and leak on their shorts, etc. Hand me downs can be used for a change of clothes when these boo-boos occur. Not to forget that babies blow up so fast that they leave behind piles of smaller sized tops and bottoms.

My only niece is a girl, her name is Anya and because we are expecting a little boy – we are not able to use her small clothes but a number of it my sister has donated to a charity ward. So, before shopping – think about what you possibly have or could possibly receive as gifts first before pulling out the plastic card 😉