Our Garden where Ashton will Play

Because I am dreaming of a happy family, I was imagining Ashton one day and thinking about what he will do once he becomes a toddler. One of the things that came to my mind is Ashton playing in the garden, I do not want him to end up a couch potato or an Internet addict.


Ashton’s Uncle Leo from the USA in our garden

I told myself I will make and plan different activities for my little boy to enjoy, one of which is playing in the garden. I am lucky my mom has a green thumb and the house we will transfer to has a huge garden where Ashton can play. There are still butterflies and dragonflies that visit once in a while. There’s also the bahay kubo where maybe he can let his imagination run wild.

I’d get Ashton kites, balls, and frisbees. Anything that would require him to run, bend his knees, and sweat. I was watching a movie called Grown Ups in DVD one night and one of Adam Sandler’s problems in the movie is his kids who do not know how to play.

It is scary for new moms like me, how can we battle against Nintendo DS, playstations, and laptop computers? x.x They are good tools to make our babies adapt to technology but it is easy to get addicted to them. Yet, I think parents will always be the role models of kids so parents also need to be active and get their butts off their chairs.