I did not plan on attending any halloween events or joining activities but I am glad one of my tita’s pushed us to go out and enjoy the weekend. We chose to go to Alabang Town Center which was overflowing with kids in costume. Ashton enjoyed the Shadow Puppet Show, Storytelling, bag making activity, and mingling with other tots.
Ashton as devil baby with wings
Anya as ninja zombie (right) with friends from the underworld. Hopefully next time the two cousins can spend halloween twogedah.
Ashton wore his “devil” costume which came as a present a few months ago 🙂 Otherwise, I would never buy something he’d only wear once but I wish I had the time to be a crafty mommy. That day, I also felt as if I were in a different character. My sister sent us new clothes and earlier that day, I went window shopping with my tita and actually bought a new pair of shoes (with GC’s from my husband). I can’t even remember when I last shopped and wore something new haha 🙂 There’s a saying “non-possession leads to enchantment”.
Oh well now I am back to the simple life mode, and actually this week – I vowed to cook more veggies instead of meat which costs more and is less healthy.
More vegetables mean you don’t have to click here to buy diet pills, etc 🙂