Baby: Josiah’s Catering on Baptism Reception

A lot of moms asked me who provided the banquet for Ashton’s baptism. Josiah’s catering did an amazing almost magical job during Ashton’s reception. I never worried about the food running out, or the kids not getting something they like. Nor did I worry about utensils, setup, and waiting service. Deliciously worry-free because of Josiah’s. You’ll need lots of time entertaining guests, so get a trustworthy caterer like them who doesn’t need to be told.

Here is Josiah’s Catering Menu for Ashton’s Baptism, the package is called Party Jr. Baptismal Package

I too was impressed at how they anticipated that we’ll have a cake and had setup a wonderful place for it. They’ve also put up a table for the gifts. Amazingly, I did not need to call them the morning before the party. We walked in and everything was ready.

The package included buffet setup, attractive table cloths and centerpiece, etc.

The desserts spread was a winner. When you have lovely desserts, guests find themselves staying longer for chats and mingling. Some were talking about moving to California or other countries. Everyone had seconds, thirds, and fourths 🙂

Happy guests and a meaningful celebration!

The waiters were all helpful with the guests and during our pack-up time. I never even had to tell them to pack leftovers and put the cake in its box. They were readily packed when it was time to go.

If you want to get a quote for your celebration, email