Today my staff were sorting out goods for my garage sale, part of them are Ashton’s old clothes which are now too small for him. Then I realised we still have rompers my fantastic sister sent to me, they were too big for Ashton once. Now they are just right and adorable at that! 🙂
Babies grow so fast, as if they were on hgh releasers but no. I am thankful though that Ashton is growing up tall and hopefully, he would grow that way continuously. 2 months more to go and I will be counting by years, no longer months. Ah! it was just like yesterday but when you are a mom, you’ll realise that every month and even day, you make it through is such a relief.
Back to the rompers, these are perfect for summer and practical to bring because it’s a one piece clothing. Thank you to my sister Joni for sending them and for having an eye for little boy’s fashion.
Sadly, some of the baby clothes have to go. I am keeping myself from hanging onto material things for sentimental value – they easily turn into clutter and when items grow older, they are harder to dispose off or sold. Will keep you posted on my baby garage sale! 🙂