BeautyMNL Online Shopping Experience

BeautyMNL online buys for all members of the family

Mommies, I discovered a new online shopping site that will keep us up at night. I stumbled upon BeautyMNL on Google while looking for a particular brand of CC cream called Farmstay. The online store offered the best price for it at Php 500 versus another popular shopping site at Php 750.

How to Shop at BeautyMNL

It’s easy to sign up and shop at BeautyMNL, I even received a free shipping offer:

Just provide the usual details like your name, email address, and birthday and skin type (yes!). BeautyMNL’s effort in asking users their skin type and skin tone is a lovable gesture. If you don’t know yet, knowing your skin type (normal, dry, oily, sensitive, and combination) is winning half the battle to healthy skin. I have sensitive skin prone to acne and blemishes. If you are like me, seriously consider using and switching to organic and hypo-allergenic beauty products that are also available in BeautyMNL’s online shop.

Organic Brands & Products at BeautyMNL

It’s so refreshing to see all the organic choices at BeautyMNL. If you haven’t switched to organic products, I hope you take the time to read up on the advantages of doing so and how it can save both your health & beauty.

1. Farm Stay All-In-One Galactomyces CC Cream
2. Jarful of Goodness Decadent Coffee & Dead Sea Salt Scrub
3. Zenutrients Mild & Gentle Baby Shampoo
4. Zenutrients Smooth & Shine Coconut Shampoo
5. Zenutrients Luxurious Goat’s Milk & Oatmeal Soap

Here you can shop organic for all members of the family. The prices are competitive and it will save organic mommies a lot of time looking for and traveling to specialty organic stores in the metro.

FREE shipping when you shop Php 2,000

Because I live outside Metro Manila, shipping fees do eat into my shopping budget. Instead of cashing out for delivery fees, it’s always a good idea for me to take advantage of free shipping and use the expense to add more products vs. paying for shipping. And because BeautyMNL is mommy friendly (yahoo!) it’s not easy to fill up the virtual shopping cart with products for the whole family.

Because of the many selection of organic brands and products inside BeautyMNL, it was very easy for me to avail the free shipping offer.

FREE items when you shop at BeautyMNL

Free shipping and discounts are already usual but receiving tangible freebies like samples and a full bottle of lotion is something I never expected:

1. Golden Cup balm in tin cup sample
2. Vaseline deep restore lotion
3. Snail cream sample

BeautyMNL payment options

I paid a total Php 2,000 for all 5 items via Mastercard. BeautyMNL has cash on delivery option too but it’s not yet available for non-metro manila residents like me. This online shop also accepts PayPal, bank deposits, among other payment options. For me, paying via credit card is the easiest method.

Waiting time

Here are my online shopping buys delivered after just 2 working days, I live outside Metro Manila. I am not just happy that my purchase arrived earlier than expected but very happy to see all the freebies for real.

Of all the freebies, I like the Golden Cup Balm the most. Like other moms, I also suffer a lot from lower back pain which can be caused by standing for too long (when paying bills, doing the grocery, cooking, and cleaning). This balm which is popular in Thailand feels very good when rubbed on painful areas of the body. Unlike other calming & relieving balms, the warmth and relief lasts for a long time.

Happy shopping mommy!