Yey! I thought it was too late for me to prepare for Ashton’s first halloween / trick or treat but thanks to Nido Science Discovery Center that we were able to have good spooky fun 🙂
Ashton wore his Superman clothes (top and bottom) – next year I promise to be more creative and plan weeks ahead! I just pulled out my bunny ears headband, my husband wore his Ironman hat.
I think we were the only parents in costume. F na F. But this has always been our dream, family events and lots of family pictures 🙂
More and more kids are learning to trick or treat. During my days, I did not even get to celebrate halloween like this – wearing costumes, games, candies, and loots. Now I see new parents making a new halloween tradition (like sending baby thank you cards) for the entire family to enjoy 🙂
How did you spend your halloween?