Home and Living: Home Decors | Home Decals

One of my goals this year was to move to the “other” house with my mini family. It never came true though because DH and I are both busy, sometimes we have to leave Ashton with the nanny too. We prefer they stay with my aunt and sister in our current dwelling.

Other factors include delay in client payments but we are thankful we even have receivables.


Wall Decals from Layla Grayce

Next year, I will make sure to make the move.  More than anything else, I am excited to decorate and bring in select minimalist and neat looking organizers.Above is a photo of a wall decal which of course, you stick to the wall without damaging the paint.

This one can also serve as a chalk board where kids can draw on 🙂 cutie!


I got the idea of wall decals from my alpha mom sister, Joni. Look at her wall decals for Christmas.


Countless design possibilities! I initially thought I was more creative than her. Sibling rivalry alert haha.

My little sister Liza and I also talked about how we are attracted to “cute stuff”, like these baby products from Aden & Anais. Yet we recognize how one should plan ahead instead of buying pretty things that may not go well with your home’s design theme.

I’m quiet disappointed today because we were supposed to go to an IKEA showroom after Ash’s postponed pedia appointment. I wonder if we are going to see cottage style furniture. We won’t really get anything but we just want to rev ourselves up into moving to our new home 🙂

Do you have any home design plans for the new year?