Home & Living: A Fast Beauty Boost for Mommy

When was the last time you paid attention to your beauty? I owe myself and skin a lot but tonight, I squeezed in a beauty routine that I can easily manage while minding the baby.


A beauty mask! They’re fast and easy, put it on, rinse off, voila. These masks are available in beauty stores, you can even choose what problem you want to target. I chose one to hydrate my super sensitive skin.


The product must stay on my face for 10 minutes, while at it – I played peek-a-boo with Ashton who is celebrating his 4th month today! 🙂 I think Ashton enjoyed the mask more than I did.

As a 4 month old, my baby seems to like my company so much that he never wants me to leave his side. If you have this sort of dilemma, then involving the little one into your activities is a good idea.

Read more about the product over at my fashion and lifestyle blog.