Post Pregnancy: When the Monthly Visitor Returns

When I saw a trickle of blood, I thought “Am I spotting? or did I just get my period back?” Of course it was the later but my mind is still preoccupied with pregnancy and baby thoughts after just 6 months of giving birth.

Some moms get their periods back earlier, mine stuck to the standard 6 months but while it was absent – I couldn’t help to be anxious why it hasn’t arrived. You could easily get terrified that you are pregnant again like what other moms have experienced. I take my mind off it by logging to sites like where I can search for home budget software.

Ashton turns 6 months old tomorrow. My system is back to normal. He will start eating solids. How fast time goes by.

Unlike most people think, women who gave birth are very fertile afterwards and can get pregnant again even before menstruation kicks in. Scary! Hence, it is important to consult your obstretician on the family planning methods you want and can fit into your budget worksheet.

My OB told me to get Duphaston to induce menstruation but I was too lazy to get it over the counter. Lucky me, I don’t have to anymore. Getting my period back has made me quiet emotional (hormones or not), I think it signified the end of my pregnancy process. After just 6 months, the reproductive system is up and running as usual.

Surprisingly, the usual cramps I get whenever “I have” are not present. I can’t imagine how I could care for Ashton with those pains in tow.

Now time to get the pill and keep the number of my family members to 3 🙂 But if I win the lottery, who wouldn’t want more babies?