Every new mum knows how babies would wake up every hour, especially in the wee hours of the night. My son is going 3 months old and still, he is unsettled and wakes up incessantly from 12AM-5AM. The last thing you want is your cranky self trying to soothe your baby to sleep, it is hard but here are some ways I have discovered to make things easier for you and your baby.
1. Consider sleeping at the same time your baby gets continuous sleep – I sleep at 5AM and I am not kidding. Because I’ve learned my son sleeps well by that time and is already tired of waking up asking for sways, milk, and some cuddling. Before I tried to “sleep when the baby sleep” but it is harder for me to wake up just when I am about to enter deep sleep. Doing that, my eyes were really heavy and I have to try really hard to wake my brain up.
By sleeping at 5AM, I get uninterrupted sleep until 10.30 AM đŸ™‚
2. Meanwhile, get your tools ready for the wee hours – diapers out of their pack, baby wipes, wiping cloths for spit ups, extra baby clothes, and water for you. If possible, put this on the far side of your bed if it is big enough.
3. When the baby wakes up and cries, breastfeed! – one advantage of direct breastfeeding is you can use this to soothe your baby until he gets sleepy again. Sometimes, they just need to know you are there and breastfeeding makes them feel secure. If you are bottle feeding, consider giving him milk as well (every 2 hours).
4. Check your baby’s diaper – he might be cranky because his bottom is soaking wet or has poo.
5. Put your baby beside you on the bed – co-sleeping will make you less tired and your baby sleep longer hours. I think my son likes being able to smell me, he also checks by peeking if I am still there. Once your baby is in deep sleep, move him away farther a bit so you do not end up crushing him.
6. With the baby beside you, it is easier to tap him gently to sleep. – tap with rhythmic patterns and do not stop so quickly because again, your baby will check if you are still tapping him gently đŸ™‚
These are just tips from my personal experience, I am not a doctor and just a new mummy trying to make the most of this moment. Sweet dreams!