Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Delayed onset muscle soreness, acronym DOMS is when you feel sore in parts of your body that you trained 24-48 hours ago. I am suffering from DOMS on my front, back, and butt muscles after my drop set squats and lounges last Monday.

Mine is a classic example of DOMS. After the drop sets which I proudly finished, I didn’t feel extraordinarily sore even the next day. Today, 48 hours or two days after my last training – I can barely move my thighs and have a funny walk.

This isn’t the first time I experienced DOMS but I feel bad whenever it happens and I need to stop going to the gym until I am recovered, usually after 3 days from last training. If you feel the same, here are positive information about muscle soreness:

1. It means you hit the right muscle groups and worked them hard

2. Your body is undergoing a healing process and would build stronger, bigger muscles

3. Your body is preparing itself for your next workout session and if you repeat the program (i.e. dropsets) of the same level, it’s most likely you won’t be too sore. Remember that after DOMS, your muscles are a better, bigger, stronger version than they were before.

If the pain persists for more than a week, it’s best to consult a doctor. In the meantime, for me and for anyone with DOMS – let’s enjoy an extended recovery day and perhaps focus on eating the best healing food i.e. protein to help the body build those muscles back.

Do you have a similar experience? Please leave me a comment below 🙂
