Two Lines mean Postive

It’s been almost a week since we bought a home pregnancy test kit from Watson’s. Azrael and I fail to wake up early because of our midnight blogging and eating habits, hence, we had to move the test until one of us finally become an early bird.

two lines mean congratulations! our actual pregnancy kit result

Both of us are heavy eaters and lately, we’ve been eating lots of tapsilog and rice meals during the wee hours of the night/morning. One time, we even attempted to cook spaghetti at 1AM. I just noticed how I ate a lot but didn’t seem to gain weight unlike the usual. Then I observed how I am always full but could not keep the food down. It seems that food was always up to my throat. I knew something weird was happening plus the fact that my monthly curse has been missing.

The night before I took the test, Azrael told me I am not pregnant and I am only imagining stuff. I think both of us wanted something new yet he doesn’t want to celebrate until we are 100% sure. We’ve been through so many suspected pregnancies in our 5 years of being together 🙂

10 AM of November 3, finally I woke up early to catch my morning pee for the pregnancy test kit. I haven’t washed my face but just wanted to get it through. Then, surprise! Two lines and according to the box, two lines means positive. I was alone in the bathroom and so I had to text Az about the result. In less than 5 seconds, he was there looking for the test strip. Brushing my teeth, I handed it to him.

I am lucky to have a wonderful partner who reacted HAPPILY about the news, I wanted to share his excitement but I was quiet in shock and worried because I do not know anything about pregnancy. We decided to see the OB the next day because Azrael really wanted to be 100% sure. On the same day, we celebrated by having dinner at Sbarro’s. When we were dating earlier on, we frequent the same eatery and I wanted to have our first family dinner at Sbarro’s as well 🙂

Chicago Deep Dish Pizza! 🙂

plinko oyunu