Working Mom: Mommy ventures

Have you ever wondered if you can turn your homemaking skills into a business venture? Baking pastries, whipping up delicious recipes, or perhaps gardening are some activities that come to my mind – I am the type to have plan B’s up to Z’s so ideas like these grow on me. Sometimes we feel we have to move heaven and earth to launch a start-up business but we don’t pay attention to our own set of skills that can be turned into profit. Sure there are several snack bars across your neighborhood but look for an opp0rtunity no one else sees. Most ventures I see are sure-ball cart business like literally, fish balls and squid balls. People have leveled up and are now familiar with other food products. What’s your specialty that’s always a hit during parties? Surely this will be a hit to the public as well. Of course, you don’t have to launch big – it can be on a per order basis.

Personally, I am considering this route if time permits but one concern I have are facing difficult customers. You think they don’t exist but they do plus, false orders or if I open up a small neighborhood cafe – overstaying teens that will convert my space into their official groupie hangout. I know some cafes are facing such challenge with some clients abusing free wifi and converting the cafe into their office trading hot penny stocks.

Are you a mom running a business from home? Tell us about it! 🙂

To better understand and also handle this problem, the World Health Company (WHO) has actually categorized PH into different cardiform cena groups based on their underlying causes and treatment approaches.